Science Translational Medicine A multidirectional gravity-assist algorithm that enhances locomotor control in patients with stroke or spinal cord injury
Nature Medicine Spatiotemporal neuromodulation therapies engaging muscle synergies improve motor control after spinal cord injury
Science Translational Medicine Pronounced species divergence in corticospinal tract reorganization and functional recovery after lateralized spinal cord injury favors primates
Cell Muscle Spindle Feedback Directs Locomotor Recovery and Circuit Reorganization after Spinal Cord Injury
Science Translational Medicine Closed-loop neuromodulation of spinal sensorimotor circuits controls refined locomotion after complete spinal cord injury
Nature Medicine Versatile robotic interface to evaluate, enable and train locomotion and balance after neuromotor disorders
Nature Neuroscience Transformation of nonfunctional spinal circuits into functional states after the loss of brain input
Nature Medicine Recovery of supraspinal control of stepping via indirect propriospinal relay connections after spinal cord injury
Nature Medicine Can experiments in nonhuman primates expedite the translation of treatments for spinal cord injury in humans?